Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Day 0 to Day 15, Mile 0.0 to 151.2

Day 1 Katahdin

A year ago I didn't even know how to pronounce or spell the word Katahdin... I just conquered Katahdin! Keith and I summited Mount Katahdin today. We left for Baxter State Park from Monson at 4:30 AM and returned to our lean-to at 6:30 PM. The hike began at 7:30 AM and the Hunt Trail took us to Baxter Peak (about 5.2 miles up and 5.2 miles down). It took a little more than 11 hours of non-stop climbing to reach the summit and touch the sign and come back down! Seriously, the most difficult challenge I have ever overcome! We started in the rain and ended in sleet. The hike was extremely technical-like rock climbing, but without the ropes! The best analogy I can use is that the climb was very much like lifting yourself up and out of the swimming pool thousands of times in a row. It felt like climbing Mt. Everest 18.4 times. I am thankful that Keith taught me how to rock climb. He was super positive and encouraging the entire day even though it was so intense. Check our epic first day video:

Day 2 Abol Bridge 

We picked up Corinne! It was an amazing reunion. We left Baxter State Park at 7 AM and arrived at Abol Bridge Campground at 12:30-we hiked 9 miles and forded 2 rivers to see Corinne and have hot showers, phone reception, and clean water. I am looking at Katahdin now from our tent and it looks beautiful. I can't believe that we hiked 5,000 plus feet and back down in one day. 

Thanks Gma!

Beaver Chew!

Day 3 Rainbow Stream Campground

Today was the first real day with Corinne! She did perfect. She crossed 2 streams by rock hopping, she followed along all of the bog bridges without hesitation, and she listened to all of her commands. She is now sleeping in the tent. We have taken care of her paws with pad heal ointment and mushers mush. She officially is now Nala. Today we left Abol at 6:45 AM and got to camp around 3 PM. We hiked 11.1 miles in about 9 hours, taking a lot of breaks to filter and drink water. There is a beautiful view of Katahdin from our camp. It is 26.3 miles away now. We can see the Hunt Trail and it is absolutely mind blowing knowing we summited Katahdin 2 days ago. There is also a picture perfect view of Rainbow Lake in the foreground. We saw fishermen and a sea plane. There is a freshwater spring down by the lake so we cooked mac and cheese and ate dinner at the waterfront. Best meal ever!

Moose Tracks!

Day 4 Nahmakanta Lake Beach

We woke up at 4:30 AM today-its daylight by 4 AM and the birds are awake chirping! We packed up and started hiking by 5:30 AM and booked it to Rainbow Stream lean to (about 4 miles from our campsite) in 3 hours. We hiked past rapids most of the day and enjoyed a few lakes. My favorite photo opp. was at mile 36.3; the view of Katahdin (16 mile line of sight) from Nesuntabunt Mountain-1520 feet above sea level. It was absolutely breathtaking and we were thrilled to have awesome sunny weather. We finished our 12.4 mile hike in 10 hours and took a short side trail to a sandy beach shore on Nahmakanta Lake. We are the only people here and it is my favorite campsite yet! Someone left behind a bunch of firewood so we were able to easily start a fire. Keith and I went for an ice cold swim and finished our War card game. A MOOSE JUST WALKED IN FRONT OF OUR CAMP! GOT IT ON VIDEO! IT JUST WALKED BACK. IT COMING RIGHT TOWARDS US! STAY CORINNE! I will be dreaming about Bullwinkle...if I can even sleep!

Day 5 Corinne's 5th Birthday!

Today we hiked from the beach to Potaywadjo Spring campsite. We had to ford several rivers-none with ropes but easy enough that it didn't matter. I fell off the downed tree "bridge" but didn't get hurt, just wet...which was actually a blessing because my feet were super muddy and I think the cold water made my ankle feel better. Today was mostly walking through rocks and roots and BOGS! TONS OF BOG BRIDGES! Corinne was really enjoying climbing everything and did great hiking through mud-probably because Keith carried her pack most of the way as her birthday gift. Corinne is very obedient; she listens to where we direct her (as to the best route) and then she will go a little ahead of us...then wait and look back to check on us or to see what is taking the humans so long! We doctored her paws and massaged her good as the birthday girl royal treatment. 
Observations: our packs are way lighter because we are on last day before food drop, the water we have been filtering looks and tastes like we bought it from the store, the sounds we hear at night are inspirational for noise maker companies. 

Day 6 Cooper Brooke lean-to and swimming hole

Easiest hiking day yet (flat, smooth trail) but most difficult for me because I was hurtin' for certain! My left Achilles was sore and I even had to hike in crocs for 4 miles. When we got to Jo-Mary road and to our food drop Phil had hidden in the woods I could barely walk and Keith had to do all the work. I felt a little better after a bit of trail magic from Phil-a coke and an oatmeal cream pie! Oh ya and we had him drop a bottle of red wine! We played Kate's alphabet/syllable game to entertain us and keep my mind off the pain. We forded our first roped river and hooked our packed on to them with a carabiner. Corinne has done an outstanding job with the river crossings. Sometimes she even wants to come back and "help" me. I took some medicine for my ankle and walked slowly to the campsite. I know the good Lord works in strange and wonderful ways, but now I believe it; I was blessed that the day I was the most sore was the easiest terrain. Thank you God! P.S. I think the Achilles pain was from the knee brace I was wearing so I stopped wearing it. 


Day 7 Logan Brooke lean-to

I woke up still feeling pain and prayed to make it out of the 100 mile wilderness in one piece. I think my prayers we answered because there is no way I should have made it 11.7 miles in 10 hours without divine intervention! Not to mention the increase in elevation over such a short distance was do-able only because the weather was perfect-thank you Lord! Packs are getting lighter and NO BLISTERS! Shout out 2Toms body glide! 
Loving not wearing make-up and have not even looked in a mirror for a week! 
Missing toenail polish and trashcans, but am so grateful for all that I have.
Getting cold/windy...we have a big day tomorrow summiting White Cap Mountain and fording our gnarliest river yet-trying for 13+ miles. Going to play dice with Keith. Goodnight!

Day 8 West Branch Pleasant River

Lots of elevation gain today to get to White Cap Mountain. HOLY BLOWDOWNS BATMAN! Sooooo many trees down across the trail-not maintained since last ice storm-made for an even more difficult hike! Loved talking to Mom and Dad this AM-we had service at the summit. Made me a little homesick tho. Also got some texts from my girlfriends and it made me miss our friends and family. Corinne continues to amaze me-she easily hops over and scooches under all the blowdowns. Sadly, we heard that 2 dogs already had to go home because the bugs were so bad. We have given Corinne the Advantix right before we left and we have been putting mushers on her ears which have both worked well. The bugs are not bothering her but if they do we can put her in the tent and even have some children's benedryll for her. It rained a little today, but we didn't mind it much. We forded a 150 ft. river right before camp. I am totally beat from going 14 miles in about 9 hours. Have heard the next part of the trail is even more difficult, but even more beautiful!

Day 9 Cloud Pond lean-to 

Made it to mile 95.4...barely. We left camp at 7:45 AM and arrived at Cloud Pond at 5:45 PM. 10 hours and 11.2 miles of BOULDERING over 6 different mountains-literally climbing on hands and knees trying not to fall backwards-super unbalanced with pack on. Corinne was like a little billygoat! She was so nimble scaling the crags, although Keith had to help her over a few steep cliffs. The weather was perfect again-we have been blessed with sunny, warm (but not humid) weather. When we set up camp my dogs were barking. Most difficult hiking day so far, besides Katahdin...simply because of the bouldering over such elevation gain. I had zero in the gas tank but had to push on through the pain. The Holy Spirit was at work because we somehow made it even having to blue blaze a half mile to the lean-to after already being completely exhausted. I am super proud of Keith and Corinne -both are snoring. Listening to a buch of bullfrogs croaking...drowns them both out. God is good. 

Day 10 Little Wilson Stream Camp

Went 12. 7 miles in 10 hours today. Started out hiking up to Barren Mountain tower. Amazing 360 degree view! We had cell service for second time in 10 days so we faced timed our parents. I loved talking to my mom and dad, for more than one reason :) 
I have absolutely enjoyed not having a phone and feel like I won't miss using it. 
The views from Barren Ledges were spectacular-blessed with another day of great weather. Although it gets hot once we start moving so we had to filter water a lot more often today. Towards the end of our hike we had to ford 2 rivers-both with ropes, but not strong enough rapids that we had to harness Corinne to rope. She was too funny trying to "swim" across as Keith was lifting her up and over the whitewater. At the second crossing Corinne found moose bones at the shore line and she thought that was pretty cool. She was super tired all day and laid down to sleep when she would have to wait for us. We took a few breaks for her and I carried her pack. Keith had to pick her whole body up and put her to his chest a couple of times because the rocks were too sharp. Proud of them both and thankful to be in one piece. 

Day 11 Monson, ME

Had to ford river first thing this morning-very cold since we woke up before the sun in order to make it to Phil's ASAP. Tough climb again today because of all the rain, but motivated knowing we would have warm showers, good food, beer, and a great night's sleep! Such an amazing feeling to see the end of the 100 mile wilderness sign-really at mile 114 tho. Saw parts of the the historic AT/carriage trail. So cool to think of all those who have gone before us! 
Best shower ever! First one in 11 days! The water going down the drain was black and I washed my hair 3 times. 
My favorite thing so far is staying in a different place every night and enjoying God's creation-those gorgeous views come with a price...He really makes us work for them...but totally worth it! I absolutely have a new appreciation for the little things in life. Happy to have my health and am thankful to be so fortunate. 
We went to the Lakeshore House and Pub for dinner/drinks and did laundry while we ate. Learned about a wanted murderer on the trail but know we are safe in our angel bubble. Went to Pete's Place for re-supply and ice cream-delicious! Then we went back to Phil's and watched the dogs play. I wrote some thank you postcards and said a thank you prayer that we didn't have to be rescued from the 100 mile wilderness! Thank you for all of the prayers and support! We could not have survived without y'all! XOXO

Day 12 ZERO DAY! Satellite Saturday 

Took another shower this AM! Keith and I rode bikes into town for breakfast. He ordered the 100 Miler and almost finished a bowl of grits, 2 pieces of toast, 3 eggs, 3 pieces bacon, 3 HUGE pancakes, and a side of home fries!!! One of the hikers that Phil rescued ordered ice cream after his meal-hiker hunger is real! I have lost a lot of weight so we had to revisit our food choices. Bring on the Snikers! We spent the rest of the day enjoying the sunny weather outside. We made a gear video (SEE BELOW!) and that gave us a chance to send home some items we no longer needed. Keith grilled some hamburgers and we drank some Rolling Rocks. Spent the rest of the evening playing Yahtzee and had too much fun! Stargazed all night and was at awe at the number of satellites we saw go by! 

Gear Video #1

Gear Video #2

Day 13 ZERO DAY! Father's Day

Weather is really bad thanks to tropical storm passing by so we took another zero day to wait it out. I am reading a book called Blind Courage about Bill Irwin, the blind man who thru-hiked the AT in the 90s. Phil actually was the one who assisted Bill and his guide dog, Orient, up to Katahdin's summit. My favorite part of the book is when Bill describes his reasoning: to show others God's strength. Corinne is wagging her tail in her sleep-I wonder what she is dreaming about. Spent the rest of the day in the cabin and played Ellen's heads up game-laughed hysterically and stayed up way past hiker midnight (9PM). Get to start late and slack pack the first 3 miles tomorrow. 

Day 14...2 weeks since Katahdin

Phil dropped us off at mile 114 and we slacked pack (hiked with a day pack) to 117.5 and picked up our big packs. We said goodbye to Uncle Phil and continued 6+ more miles to Horseshoe lean-to. We made great time, even with a big ford, because the terrain was flat...relatively speaking! The ford was deepest yet-waist deep so Corrine actually got to swim across. The current was sort of strong but she ended up on shore right by the trail. After we put on our dry socks and shoes on we soon realized that we should have never changed out of our crocs; the trail was completely FLOODED! Oh well! My muddy shoes needed a cleaning anyways. Tomorrow is the biggest day yet because we are fording the Piscataquis River that Phil warned was too dangerous to ford today after such heavy rain. The water is already high since 2 other smaller rivers converge where the trail crosses. We are taking his advice and fording river and climbing Moxie Bald tomorrow. Phil has been so right about everything that Keith and I joke about wearing W.W.P.P.D. bracelets-What Would Phil Pepin Do? He was truly our guardian angel and we miss him already! Thanks Phil! 

Day 15 Bald Mountain Brooke

We woke up at 4:45 AM, left camp at 5:30 AM, and hiked 3 miles to West Branch of Piscataquis River by 7:30 AM. Strongest current and longest ford yet. Met first NOBO thru-hiker and he told us about some trail magic ahead! We ate Twinkies and chugged Dr. Peppers! Thanks trail angels! It started to rain by the second ford and continued all day, including during our summit of Moxie Bald. Tons of mud, slippery rocks/roots, and wet feet. We didn't even change into our crocs for the other fords! Made it to lean-to around 2:30 after hiking 10.5 more miles for a total of 13.5 miles in 9 hours. Are we getting our trail legs yet? Keith has his trail calves-actually Phil said they are not calves, they are COWS! We are trying to go 15+ miles tomorrow to make it to Carantunk and pick up our first mail drop/computer before the post office closes at 4 PM. Can't wait to update blog! Time to go dry off gear and go to bed. Tonight's devotional references God's love streaming...washing away impurities...flooding our fitting! Even though it poured rain all day-it was still a beautiful day! Everything smells like wet dog...

Friday, June 19, 2015

We survived Katahdin and 100 mile wilderness!

Will update blog with pictures, videos, and journal entries soon! Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers! 

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Ready Set Go!

Receiving a blessing from Monsignor before we hit the road! 

Drove from Georgia to Maine in 3 days...

 Stopping in Wake Forest, NC to see Keith's family!

And getting breakfast from a Ninja Turtle!

Going over George Washington Bridge in New York! 

Stopped in Portland, ME to enjoy some lobster and visit the International Cryptozoology Museum